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Monday, November 21, 2016

Tread softly…A poem:

Let me tread softly on this planet
Not walk through a lawn with green grass lest I leave a trail Instead tip toe around it and marvel at its beauty
Let me want a little less and waste a little less Keep my step light while birds pick on grain and squirrels chase each other
Let me be present on this planet respectfully…mindfully!
Let me tread softly Let me tread softly through my journey… Not be burdened by weight of learning and judgments Towards Caste, Creed, Color and Choices people make Instead make every experience open my heart and mind
To disagree with respect, to admit when I accept Let me tread softly…
Let me tread softly in your life … Without the weight of expectations Softly walk by your side, nudging you gently
To remind you of the path you take
To let you be you and still belong to me
To keep my hand ready to hold yours when you stretch it out
Let me be around you ever so lightly that you never see my presence and yet don’t feel my absence Let me tread softly…
Let me tread softly into your heart… With love that doesn't fill your life but adds to it a scent of tenderness Never the heaviness of envy nor the load of distrust and doubt
Let me love unconditionally,
Let me tread softly

Let me not carry the burden of past and anxiety of future Instead
let me be light and present in this moment…
It is this very moment that is, and here is where I am!

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