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Sunday, November 7, 2010

When Gay meant happy

Hollow.poignant.witty.warm.wiles.weapons...they infect, they infuse...words!!! watch them, feel them roll out of your tongue and even more intense, watch them change their association,meaning and usage over time.

1.Its fascinating,how word associations have changed over time, changing their context, their usage and their intent.
a few examples that come to mind...
cool or hot- describing the weather, hot; hang out - hanging out your clothes
chill- a state of physical discomfort in winter;happening- an event or activity taking place or actually happening;net- a net;surf- surf with a surf board or a detergent powder;hit- physicaly hit or popular as in a hit song;Kick ass- meant kick ass and not 'wow';Suck- meant suck .. a sweet or drink.
2.Sentence construction also has its own meaning...so i don't say , i totally disagree , but say i 'so' disagree with this...
3.The other phenomenon is to have acronyms for everything...i guess the sms and chat generation are responsible for it, but i just feel the impact is lost. I mean when one says 'What the fuck' it means something..it has impact , WTF doesn't come close to it!
and there is actually an Urban dictionary where you will find not just words but expressions which have their own meanings far from what conventionally words mean. So go look it up and yenjoy ! (this was my generation's contribution to evolution of language...hinglish,tamlish,bonglish...whatever!!)

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