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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A lil more!!

I love you so...
Just like a dash of cinnamon on my coffee
Like  cream on a cookie and
Icing on cake
Like butter on toast
And dash on lime on a roast!
You are like things that give a little more..
That lil zing , that lil smack of lips and that melting of flavor into the soul..
You are the extra smiles topped on the  pizza of my day..
You are the powdered sugar on my donut..
You are a dash of pepper for that extra lil spice and the crisp sesame for that feeling just right
Like a drizzle of olive oil on fresh salad, your love pours into my heart..
Yes you give me a lil more.
A lil more of life..A lil more of love...

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