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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The smell of us.

There is a place in my mind..
A place deep inside.
Untouched and untainted by the world
A treasure I keep there.
The sound of your laughter, the crispness of  cotton clothes ,
Evenings spent in your arms in that park where the Jasmine blooms
The walks by the beach with salt in our hair and wind in our face
The sleepy hug in the morning, warm and fuzzy
The walks soaked in rain and conversation
My head on your shoulder as I hear your heart beat and breathe you in..
Oh The treasures I keep in that place...
A place deep inside, untouched and untainted...
And within this place I have a locker , a locker so precious...Even I sometimes ponder whether it really exists...I wonder

I keep there the smell of us...
As I close my eyes, and find my way to the locker..
Releasing the deepest corners of my heart and mind
I am swept with the smell of us..
Filling my senses and my whole being
I know then.. it exists...With every smell bringing alive every moment with you.
And like precious things I use it little and guard it safe..
I keep there the smell of us.

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